March 2021, a year on
Last year I had no idea that one year on we would still be in the throes of this pandemic. As it progressed I remember discussing the matter with friends. Back in the summer one of my friends highlighted a recent press release from the WHO which anticipated that it would be 2022 before we had a handle on the virus. She was aghast and I felt condemned when I heard it but thinking the forecast through it made sense. Here we are now, in 2021 the year of the vaccine. Will 2022 be the year of the recovery?
Over the course of the last twelve months so many things have happened to me that it beggars belief. I am glad to say that one calamity that did not befall me was contracting COVID-19. Was it because of the precautions that I, my family and friends took or sheer luck? Recently, I was vaccinated and I am hoping that in two weeks’ time the vaccine will have kicked in and become effective at protecting me. I can’t wait to get my second jab! I still think that it will be another year before we can even contemplate disposing with masks, sanitiser and the two-metre rule. I would dearly love to be wrong.